World Rabies Day
Children whose parents keep pets such as dogs and cats sometimes fall in love with these pets to such an extent that disposing of them becomes a problem. Owners of pets usually give interesting names to them depending on their keepers moods and situations they find themselves. Though man's best and faithful friend, dogs transmit rabies to humans with children being the most affected. Rabies is a fatal disease of warm blooded beasts, transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. Ninety-nine percent of rabies cases result from the bite of an infected dog, though cats, bats and other mammals are carriers. Rabies is said to be a neglected disease of poor and vulnerable populations whose deaths are rarely reported. It occurs mainly in remote rural communities where measures to prevent dog to human transmission have not been implemented. Under reporting of rabies also prevents mobilisation of resources from the international community for the elimination of human dog- mediated rabi...