The Launch Of The Planting For Food And Jobs Programme
The agricultural sector still remains a major pillar in the Ghanaian economy, though its contribution to GDP has declined due to the increasing share of the services sector. It continues to be the largest employer of the economically active population, providing raw material for agro-based industries, generating significant foreign exchange earnings, holding the key to achieving food security and reducing the high unemployment rate. In view of the critical role the sector plays in the Ghana’s socio economic development, one needs to commend the government for the launch of the “Planting for Food and Jobs Programme” aimed at increasing agricultural produce especially, maize, rice, soya, sorghum and vegetables. The programme seeks to enhance food security, provide raw materials for agro-based industries, substitute imports especially for rice and soya beans as well check the cancerous rural urban migration. The usage of improved seeds and optimal level of fertilizers is expected to incre...