National Prayer And Fasting

On Wednesday, Ghanaians sought the face of the Creator, God to intervene in the face of the escalating and alarming spread of the novel coronavirus that has plagued the globe.The disease has been described as the greatest medical challenge in hundreds of years.  So far, nearly 400 thousand people have been affected worldwide, about 15,000 of these individuals have lost their lives.
In Ghana, the infected number is rising. The disease continues to affect Ghanaians as in other nations.  According the Ghana Health Service, “great majority of the confirmed cases are Ghanaians, who returned home from affected countries. Nationals from Norway, Lebanon, China, France, UK have also been infected. In respect of contact tracing, more than 829 contacts have been identified and are being tracked. One of the contacts developed symptoms and has been confirmed positive.  The situation appears highly devastating and there is no sign of antidote or time it will end.
Scientists are working feverishly around the globe to help find solutions to this pandemic but the potential cure is not in sight.  In times like these, the only source of genuine solution, as God believing nation like Ghana, is to seek divine help along side the health and scientific research and all other protocols put in place.
The very preamble of the nation’s Constitution depicts the believe of the people of Ghana in the Living God “ IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD, We the People of Ghana, IN EXERCISE of our natural and inalienable right to establish a framework of government which shall secure for ourselves and posterity the blessings of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity”
The national anthem also echoes our believe in God with the line “God bless our homeland Ghana.” To a great extent Ghanaians believe in God as the Supreme Creator of the Universe who has the solution to all issues under the sun. Per the Holy Scripture, “Our God is in heaven and He does whatever pleases Him. He is the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God. He has the ultimate power over everything. Whatever He appoints to enter our lives serves His holy purposes and our ultimate good. In our times of hurt, heartache, and grief, however, these purposes seem obscure.
Our confidence must be in His capacity to make everything beautiful in His time. God’s promises are true and faithful. He reminded us in His word, “Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” It was therefore refreshing when the leadership of the country called on Ghanaians to seek the Lord in prayer for intervention.
President Akufo Addo prayed all Ghanaians irrespective of religious background and interest to rally round and pray to God to heal the nation of this pandemic.  A very bold and wise decision perhaps coming from the believe and lessons from the past and importantly, the promise of the Creator. He promises that “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.
Indeed, we need our land to be healed hence the national fasting and prayer day. The President and his vice earlier led cross section of the Christian and Muslim communities at the seat of government to pray for the nation.
At many workplaces prayer sections were held while millions of individuals also engaged in the national clarion call.  Some media houses also created prayer programmes to encourage listeners and viewers to participate in the prayer sessions. This is an awesome approach.
In the past, people like Esther and Elijah led the people of God to pray and achieved resounding results. Surely the same good God will listen and intervene for Ghana and the rest of the world.  “If the LORD does not build the house, it is useless for the builders to work on it. If the LORD does not protect a city, it is useless for the guard to stay alert.”
May our prayers and supplications be answered by the Lord so that Ghana and the world can be healed of this deadly coronavirus. God bless and heal our homeland Ghana.


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