Significance Of Good Friday

The Christian world celebrates Good Friday, the passion and death of Jesus Christ. Here in Ghana, many people attend church services and organize religious events to mark the day. As Christians go through these spiritual activities and try to relieve the most significant event in the life and ministry of Jesus, they should endeavour to manifest the effects of Jesus sacrificial act in their lives, so that it reflects on the rest of the Ghanaian society. After all, nearly seventy percent of Ghanaians identify themselves as Christians. One can only imagine what blessings will come upon our land if all Christians in Ghana would truly live by the teachings of Jesus. The significance of Jesus death on the cross, a wooden construction made up of a vertical and a horizontal beam, that intersect is that, Jesus has restored the link between God and humanity, and the divisions that exist between societies and nations. The celebration of Good Friday, coming on the heels of Ghana's 56th Independence anniversary which focused on national unity, should not go without some thought. It is expected that Christians will draw inspiration from the redemptive act of Jesus to embrace all to promote unity among Ghanaians irrespective of the ethnic, political, religious and social differences. Certainly we have come a long way in our efforts at living together as one people. But the recurrent flashes of communal and inter-ethnic conflicts should remind us constantly that true national unity is a goal we must continually work towards.

Again by his passion and death on the cross, Jesus has brought meaning to human pain, suffering and death. The passion of Jesus should remind us all that no one can go through life without experiencing some pain and suffering whether self-inflicted or brought on by others. While striving to live more comfortable lives we need to exercise patience and persevere because nothing worthwhile comes easy. Jesus by his death on the cross turned it into an altar of holy sacrifice on which he offered himself as a holocaust for the salvation of fallen humanity. The example of Jesus is a testimony of fellow feeling which Christians need to exhibit always. Social and economic transformation is slowly making the Ghanaian society more consumerist and individualistic. Christians need to rediscover and return to such esteemed cultural values as care and concern especially for the vulnerable children, the aged and destitute, respect for elders and above all being patriotic. At a time like this, Christian love will also mean showing respect for the lives on the road that motorists and pedestrians adhere to road safety rules. Again the symbolism of the cross of Calvary may be likened to the red in our national flag that represents the blood and sacrifice of our fore bears who gained gain liberty and independence for us. Many of the nation’s sporting heroes have talked about how the Ghana flag and national anthem gave courage and strength to fight for laurels in international sporting arena. Let the cross of Christ spur Christians on to do a little for God and country. The celebration of Good Friday reminds us that it is only through hard work, discipline and sacrifice that Ghana will become a really great and prosperous nation. The pain that comes from toil and sacrifice will in time yield the rewards of glory and honour among other nations. May the prayers and other spiritual exercises that many Christians embarked upon during the season of lent leading to Good Friday see a renewal in our lives and a re-dedication to the national cause. To our Christian brothers and sisters, we say a Happy Easter.



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